Monday, June 21, 2010

the junk shot

Hi friends,

This is brennan. I've been banished to blog from my previous project, because Erin has WAY too much junk on her computer. Photoshop will no longer let me crop images because the startup disk is too full -- I didn't even know that could happen. So while I'm moving things over to the hard drive, I'm playing on the blog and facebook.

Not that I have time to be spending on facebook. It's only Monday, and there's already tons of stuff to work on. Already today we've sent off the newsletter we were working on to the folks at Keller Williams, started work on an event logo for our friends at Operation Honor Our Heros for their Shadow Run 5 and 10K and worked on website updates.

I also spent a little bit of time trying to learn about CSS3 -- all in pursuit of sexing up the Victory Dog website a little. (you know, in our gobs of free time around here).

We're also working on getting registered with the Austin Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce as an LGBT-friendly company.

It's been a busy, busy Monday -- but that's how we like it!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Summer Time!

So, I'm going to try really hard to write this quickly - not my normal stress-over-every-word type stuff.

These last couple weeks have been quite the adventure. First off, let me tell you, I have certainly learned my lesson about starting new clients on some sort of pre-payment system. Maybe I should have new clients put down a deposit? A couple hundred dollars as a security deposit that rolls into the first invoice - doesn't sound unreasonable right? Of course not. I should start doing that.

We are in the middle of a handful of lots of very different projects. A logo for a Video/Television Producer. A logo for a real estate broker. A package design for an engine oil dip stick. A new restaurant menu & website. Another new restaurant website. A plastics engineering & manufacturing company's website. A quarterly newsletter for Keller Williams International. One-sheets & social networking for our favorite art dealer & broker. An ad for Equality Texas. A PR microsite for Outside Magazine Television. An event poster for a father's day party for Austin Music Foundation. An invitation for an exclusive happy hour at Maria Maria. This is all stuff on my list for THIS WEEK. OMG. I won't even mention all the stuff that's in the works.

Brennan & I had a little video chat with Eleanor yesterday. I really do miss her. She was talking about how her exclusive NYC internship is only kind of awesome & she's not as in love with the city as she thought she would be. The trains, though, she likes. In a weird way, the subway is always my favorite part of New York, too. The A train into Manhattan, the Garden State soundtrack & trying to figure out how to get to the Met. LOVE. I'm going to fly up there in August, I think. The thoughts of seeing Chappy, Lauren, Jean, Meredith and Eleanor constantly tug at me to buy a plane ticket.

Anyway, since I've got to come in on Sunday to get caught up & for a new client meeting, I'm going home. Weekend. YAY.

Next time it's Brennan's turn to post for us.
