Friday, January 29, 2010

Texas Hill Country Wine & Food Festival

The past couple weeks have been a rush of Texas Wine and Food Festival work. We heard back from the board and they chose the following concept for the festival's poster:

From this design, we made two "Save the Dates" - here is one for a media party held this past Monday at Whole Foods:

Speaking of the media party, here are a few photos of the event. All photos by Celeste Casas.

We also distributed a one-sheet, or program, that Eleanor made. You can see it here:

Finally, Erin whipped up a brand new web site for the media party. You can see it in all its functioning glory here, but here is a screen shot as well:

Tickets for 4 events are now currently on sale, with Sunday Fair tickets on special for $25. Go check it out.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Russell Tether - Fine Arts Associates, LLC

Over the past couple months, we've been in discussion with out client Russell Tether about creating a new site for him to display early Texas art, only.

We originally set up a tumblr platform for him to showcase his early Texas artwork, thinking it would be easiest for the client to update and fairly low maintenance overall. After more discussion, however, we came to the collective decision that it would be better for him if we just built a new site from scratch. You can see preliminary mock ups below.

They're in a similar style to the tumblr layout we were playing with, but also reference the color and font schemes of his original web site (available for viewing here). The idea is that all early Texas artists would be listed down the side, and artwork is shown per square. By clicking on a square, you'll be taken to the second layout where you can see the artwork larger, as well as all other artwork by the same artist below.

Texas Hill Country Wine & Food Festival

The Texas Hill Country Wine & Food Festival is by far one of our longest and most time-consuming projects. Held every year around April, this year will mark the 25th anniversary of the festival.

For the anniversary, Erin revamped the logo to make a more 'commemorative' silver edition, if you will:

We've been concepting since late November / early December and have experimented with a photographic poster campaign, pencil and paper drawings and finally come back around to a more illustrated approach characteristic of Erin's style. Below you'll see a landscape mock-up with the Austin skyline, as well as a few mock-ups in a 'block' concept.

The festival committee chose the block concept (which also included at least six other color combinations), but hasn't come to a solid decision on which color they prefer. Once they do, we'll be off!

IJK Consulting

Erin also recently took on a new client who, as a consultant in the engineering world, needed a Web site. As part of the project, Erin tweaked his logo, created a business card and web site.

Inspired by this engineering-related graphic, the client had previously created a logo for himself seen below the graphic.

Erin's tweak of the client's logo included the four variations seen below:

She finished the project off with a Web site that you can view here, and the business card shown below.

Merry Merry Martini Mixer

Erin recently teamed up with Equality Texas to work on their annual Merry Merry Martini Mixer coming up this Saturday, January 16th.

The event, which sold in about four days at $35 a ticket, will play host to almost 400 people. Between ticket sales and proceeds from a few sponsors, the organization will raise about $14,000 for Equality Texas.

Along with helping to coordinate the event, Erin gave the previous Merry Merry Martini Mixer invite a freshening up.

You can see the original here:

And here is Erin's updated version for this year's event: